The first Mobile Pangya game, released in 2005!

I have an exciting update for this thread! Acrisio has found and released on the #retreev Discord channel a copy of the Pangya Cup game for Windows Mobile phones! Quiting Acrisio himself:

“I had forgotten that I had on my SD card of my old Samsung Windows Mobile Pangya Windows Mobile (WM), I had downloaded it at the time KR launched it, but my Samsung did not support it, until today it was on my SD card. I will see if you will find any Windows Mobile CE 6.1 emulator, I’ll leave it here for anyone who wants it.(…) Architecture is ARM32:LE Windows. Pdb string inside the .exe says ARMV4I.”

With Acrisio’s permission I have uploaded it on my Google Drive account, you can download the archive from here:

The next step would be now to find a working Windows Mobile emulator and try to run the game. I have taken a look at the files inside the archive, there are some .wav files with the sound effect used in the game, plus some low quality 30 second shorter version of some of the BGM, which have apparently been rearranged using standard MIDI instruments. IMHO the new version of the Deep Inferno track has lots of SNES RPG music vibes in it.

Thanks Acrisio for recovering and sharing this game, I hope we’ll someday able to find the remaining two ones!


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