Hi Hi Hi!
First of all let me introduce myself, i’m Pazolith & i am a student in CGI & Animation (been 5 years now so i’m close to being a senior haha)
Lately i’ve been starting to play Pangya again on Debug, and i saw the textures & all and wondered: Wouldn’t it be cool if we could add items i modeled into the game ?
Great so i stumbbled apon Atomicpang’s work wich is verry nice i have to say, but he never mentioned the part when he had to inject the files into pangya in order for it to work fully.
I got some problems while develloping it on my side, and people on debug are not familiar with codding, etc.
So there’s some things i needed to know if one of you is willing to teach me! (i’d be sooo grateful)
I’m not planning to do it for money or whatsoever, it’s all about doing it for fun!
The first idea i had is taking an existing piece with mesh & uv, work on an item and clipping it to the existing object (in that case, i tried adding a backpack on a ssaf top for hanna), but when converting, i had so much crash. Could not inject it at all.
so i wanted to do the same by doing it on a pair of wings, but deleting the wings, i wanted to keep the rigging + anchor point in that file, but i couldn’t open it at all.
So my main question is: What’s the process filewise to create and inject objects into pangya ? Modelling from scratch is something i can do (i mainly use Maya), UV cutting & projecting -> got it. But filewise ? I’m so lost haha! Thank you in advance for thoes who would help me in the way.
best regards- Pazo.