Thai animator Manat Josef Khamphant has released a modern reimagination of Kooh doing a Toma shot, explaining in the video the whole process and what tools he has used to produce it:
IMHO this level of animation and detail should be included as standard in Pangya M. Hopefully this will be just the first of a serie of videos dedicated to Pangya.
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I have chatted a bit with the author. He has worked on this animation during spare time in approx. 2 weeks. He doesn’t have any plan to do another one yet, he’d like to rest for a while, if he’ll get any new idea about it he said that he’ll definitively make a new one. Maybe we can suggest him new ideas 
One I had just now is a new Cobra animation, where a sort of a giant cobra hologram appears as soon as the ball starts rising up. Does anybody have any cool idea?
Now that is radically awesome