Pangya Mobile: Looking for game files!

Pangya has a history of donning great soundtracks with each entry, and while searching through YouTube, the mobile game appeared to be no exception to this.
Unfortunately, very little about this game’s soundtrack has been published online, so I wanted to take the initiative by ripping the assets from the APK.

Once again I was met with an obstacle: Loads of missing data!
With Pangya Mobile’s shutdown, it’s no longer possible to get past the title screen. As such, all data I can find goes no further than the title screen either.
4 music tracks in total.
This is most likely due to how the files are either streamed during gameplay, or only downloaded the first time you progress through the app.
Let’s hope it’s the latter.

We all know there’s more than just those 4 tracks, but without an open server, or someone who just so happens to still have installed game data, there’s no way for me to get to the rest of the game’s files… Unless???

That’s why I’m asking here.
Is anyone willing to donate their Pangya Mobile download files in the name of preservation?
(Fingers crossed someone still has theirs)

Thank you very much in advance!

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You can still download the apk here:

Sadly as I’ve mentioned before, the APK alone only contains the resources for the title screen.
Everything else is downloaded from the official servers as you progress through the game, but it’s impossible to get past the title screen due to the server being shut down.

This is why I’m looking for someone who still has their downloaded game data.

Also found a .flac rip from the game’s music just now, but I’m still very much wondering if someone’s willing to share their game files because:

  1. The .flac files were compressed from .wav.
  2. Preservation.

I have all Pangya Mobile files (at least the very last update’s worth), and I could provide them, but it’s between 2 to 6 GB of assets that I first need to find a place for.

To fulfill your general request however, here’s a direct rip of all music files from the game assets. It’s in OGG because that’s what the game says they have been provided in, converting them to WAV wouldn’t do much aside of blowing up the file size.

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Thank you!

You’re right about the file format. I didn’t take note of that while scanning the incomplete files!

That aside, I think it’s a relief that the person who is in charge of the new also happens to have the update files for Pangya Mobile considering the goal of preservation.
I’m looking forward to being able to see what’ll come from this.

I have all Pangya Mobile files (at least the very last update’s worth), and I could provide them, but it’s between 2 to 6 GB of assets that I first need to find a place for.

You might want to register a new Google account and store the files on Google Drive, it’s limited to 15 GB but there’s no limit on the number of accounts per person, personally I have like 7 or 8 accounts.


There’s a playlist on youtube